綠色有機健康跑 2013

Green Organic Health Run 2013

Event Image
  • 2013-11-10
  • 九龍西

賽事獎項 Prize

賽事成績 Race Results:
  - 「精英組」四公里賽跑 Elite 4km Race
  - 4 x 400米接力賽 4 x 400m Relay




“Green and Organic Health Run 2013” is almost here!
Please download the race guide for your Green and Organic Health Run’s preparation.
See you at West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade this Sunday!




Our Elite 4km Race and 4x400 Relay runners, the race pack pickup notice has been emailed to you. If you haven't received our notice, please drop a message to us (healthrun2013@sportsoho.com) with your name, contact number and application number.












* 根據源歐睿國際有限公司基於2010年所有零售渠道的維他命和膳食補充劑(VDS)的銷售額(美元)。



「推」動健康綠色生活 大會將集合健兒們的群體力量,推動大家團結一心,根據指令把大型汽球合力傳開去,透過遊戲鼓勵大眾多參與團體活動,保持身心健康。
精彩舞台表演 精彩絕倫的舞台表演,把人類與大自然聯繫起來,鼓勵大眾響應減碳節能,愛惜地球資源。
綠色攤位遊戲 當日設有多項綠色攤位遊戲和工作坊,透過互動活動了解減排環保的好處,成為愛護地球的綠色先驅。
普拉提運動 普拉提是類似瑜珈的運動,強調身體的核心鍛鍊,駐場教練將於跑步活動後與參賽者互動,並作出適當指導,以達舒緩及強健身體之效。
「分享‧綠,傳心意」明信片 除了身體力行以健康跑支持環保外,你更可獲取以環保再造紙及種子製成的明信片,把種子希望和綠色訊息寄予親朋好友。




賽事日期 2013年11月10日 (星期日)
賽事地點 西九文化區
集合地點 西九龍海濱長廊
集合時間 「精英組」四公里賽跑 - 上午7時00分
「公開組」三公里健康跑 - 上午8時00分
起步時間 「精英組」四公里賽跑 - 上午7時30分
「公開組」三公里健康跑 - 上午9時30分
參加名額 「精英組」四公里賽跑 - 名額500名
截止報名日期* 2013年10月31日
費用 「公開組」- 港幣$60/澳門幣62*
「精英組」- 港幣$80/澳門幣82*
電話 2117 1011
傳真 2117 0023
電郵 healthrun2013@sportsoho.com
賽事網頁 www.healthrun.com.hk








(厘米cm) XS S M L XL
身長 64 66 68 70 72
胸闊 44.5 47 50 53 56






  1. 參加名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
  2. 所有參加者只能報名參加「精英組」 或「公開組」其中一項賽事。
  3. 成功於網上報名「公開組」之運動員可於2013年10月10日起或收到報名確認電郵7日後(以較遲者為準),到已選取的購貨中心領取紐崔萊™健康跑T恤乙件。
  4. 於10月10日後親身到安利購貨中心報名人士可即場領取紐崔萊™健康跑T恤乙件。
  5. 十八歲或下之人士必須經家長/監護人簽署同意方可報名參加。
  6. 成功於網上報名人士,會於報名後即時收到大會確認電郵,如未有收到通知,可發電郵至 healthrun2013@sportsoho.com 或致電2117 1011聯絡關小姐(Chris Kwan)查詢。
  7. 大會恕不接受現場及逾期報名。
  8. 資料不全者,恕不接受報名。報名一經接納報名費恕不退還。
  9. 已寄出的報名或重覆報名,均不設退款、退件、轉名安排及取消服務。
  10. 活動當天必須穿著大會派發的健康跑T恤參加健康跑。
  11. 「精英組」四公里賽跑將採用晶片計時,跑手必須佩帶作賽。晶片無須交還,參賽者可留為紀念。
  12. 大會設有行李寄存、水站、里數牌及救傷站。
  13. 建議自備儲存袋存放個人物品,請勿攜帶貴重物品,如有損毀或遺失,大會恕不負責。
  14. 參賽者個人意外保險需自行負責。
  15. 大會不設任何上訴。
  16. 若活動當天懸掛三號或以上颱風、紅色或黑色暴雨訊號,活動將自動取消。安利(香港)直銷商/優惠顧客以外之參加者,請保留收據等候大會之進一步通知(請於活動當日清晨4:30開始留意天氣廣播)。
  17. 請注意閣下身體狀況是否適合參加比賽 (如:長期疾病、懷孕,詳情請向您的醫生查詢)。如比賽當日感到不適,請勿强行參加比賽。
  18. 本賽事委員會擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關賽事的臨時改動或消息,將以大會網站公佈為準。


Event Information


Event Date : 10th November 2013 (Sunday)
Venue : West Kowloon Cultural District
Gather Point : West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
Gather Time : Elite 4km Race - 07:00a.m.
Open 3km Health Run - 08:00a.m.
Starting Time : Elite 4km Race - 07:30a.m.
Open 3km Health Run - 09:30a.m.
Quota : Elite 4km Race - Quota 500
first-come, first-served!
Application Deadline* : Elite 4km Race - 18th October 2013
Open 3km Health Run - 31st October 2013
Application Fee : Open - HK$60/MOP62*
Elite - HK$80/MOP82*
Tel : 2117 1011
Fax : 2117 0023
Email : healthrun2013@sportsoho.com
Event website : www.healthrun.com.hk

* Online application is not available for Macau Distributors and Privileged Customers.


Race Route Map


Applicant will get a Nutrilite™ Health Run T-shirt, and all finishers will get a Health Run medal and a souvenir.


T-Shirt Size Reference Chart

(cm) XS S M L XL
Length 64 66 68 70 72
Chest 44.5 47 50 53 56

Size chart is for reference only


Download Application Form


Important Notes

  1. Quotas are limited. First-come, first-served.
  2. Participants are eligible to join either “Elite Group” or “Open Group”.
  3. For successful online registration, participants of “Open Group” may collect the Health Run T-shirt at designated Merchandising Centres from October 10, 2013 or 7 days after receiving of confirmation email (whichever is later).
  4. From October 10, 2013 onward, participant will get the Health Run T-shirt at Amway Merchandising Centers for application in person at the centres.
  5. Participants aged under 18 are eligible to join only upon consent of parents/guardians.
  6. For online application, participants will receive a confirmation email once after successful registration. For enquiries, please email to healthrun2013@sportsoho.com or contact Ms. Chris Kwan at 2117 1011.
  7. On-site and/or late applications will not be accepted.
  8. Applications with incomplete information cannot be accepted. The application fee cannot be refunded.
  9. Refunds, returns of application form, a change in participant or cancellation of enrollment will be not accepted if the application form is mailed out or repeat applications are received.
  10. All participants are required to wear the Health Run T-shirt on the day of the race.
  11. Elite - 4km Race will use chip timing system, runners must wear the bib cloth with the timing chip. Participants can keep the timing chip after the race as a souvenir.
  12. A left-baggage service, water supply station, mileage signs and first aid service will be provided.
  13. Participants are advised to put their personal belongings together in a bag. The organizer will not be liable for any damaged or lost personal items.
  14. Participants should be responsible for their own personal accident insurance.
  15. The competition result announced by the organizer will be final.
  16. The Health Run will be cancelled in the event that a typhoon No.3 or above signal is raised, or a red or black rainstorm warning hoisted, on the day. Participants are suggested to check the weather report from 04:30am onwards on the day of the race. The organizer will notify participants (excluding Amway Distributors or Privileged Customers) for follow up through email. Participants should keep the receipts for record purposes.
  17. Please ensure your health conditions are fit for the competition (Those who suffer from chronic illness or undergo pregnancy shall gain consultation from your doctor). Do not participate in the competition or Health run if feeling unwell.
  18. The organizer reserves the right to vary or modify any of these remarks. In the event of any dispute, the organizer's decision will be final.

綠色有機健康跑 2013-相簿

查看更多綠色有機健康跑 2013的相簿

綠色有機健康跑 2013-留言

我們會檢討安排及要求員工注意態度, 謝謝你的寶貴建議

史波  4119 天前


史波  4119 天前

1. Because of the bad weather on the race day, the Organizer used plastic bags in baggage deposit. After the race, the bags would be reused or recycled through a NGO, Tzu Chi, www.tzuchi.org.tw

2. Result will be posted on Wednesday at http://www.sportsoho.com/pg/match/read/3527501

成績會於星期三 http://www.sportsoho.com/pg/match/read/3527501 公佈

史波  4121 天前
